Hi, I’m Raquel!

Constant Ache

I am an artist based in Kansas. My focus is painting in various different mediums. I love the freedom that painting brings. With the help of my favorite paints, I frequently explore coming-of-age, womanhood, identity, and other personal struggles as themes. I want my art to bring the same solace to other people as it has brought me.

I started my journey in art at the ripe age of five years old. Back then, crayons and cheap watercolors were my medium of choice, and awkwardly drawn mermaids with heads double their body size were my muse. I didn’t start taking art seriously until my senior year of high school when I realized that art was much more than something I could be good at. It was a constant in my life that helped me work through those awkward stages of adolescence and now adulthood. Nowadays, making art is my way of self-care, and a deliberate attempt at learning to be more vulnerable.